ALGS Europe Stand UP! Best Split 2 Final Circles ft. Scarz, Players, Alliance, Empire | Apex Legends


Watch the best Apex Legends players from EMEA put in work as they fight for a place at the Split 2 Playoffs in Stockholm, featuring Scarz, Players, Alliance, Empire, Totem and more ALGS teams.

Apex Legends Pro League:

00:00 – Match 1, PLAYERS – B vs C
01:53 – Match 5, iG – A vs D
03:54 – Match 5, GMT – A vs B
05:42 – Match 1, TOTEM – C vs D
08:36 – Match 5, SCARZ – C vs D
12:03 – Match 6, iG – B vs D
13:10 – Match 4, SCARZ – A vs C
14:15 – Match 4, TOTEM – B vs C
17:31 – Match 4, ALLIANCE – A vs B
19:51 – Match 1, TEAM EMPIRE – C vs D
21:01 – Match 6, SCARZ – C vs D
22:58 – Match 2, ALLIANCE – A vs C
23:51 – Match 6, TEAM EMPIRE A vs C

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