TSM break down their $100k ALGS NA Playoff win | ImperialHal POV + Commentary | Apex Legends


ALGS Split 1 Playoff Champs TSM talk us through how they won crucial Match 7 and took home $100,000. Featuring commentary from the full squad: ImperialHal, Reps, and Verhulst.

Apex Legends Pro League: www.ea.com/games/apex-legends/compete/events
Sub: www.youtube.com/playapexesports?sub_confirmation=1
Twitter: twitter.com/PlayApexEsports

00:00 – Starts
01:49 – Valkin’
03:55 – Hot drop
05:30 – Retreating
08:40 – New fight
10:37 – Assist
14:36 – Repositioning
14:47 – Dropping into a firefight
15:29 – 10 squads left
17:10 – 5 squads left
17:32 – 3 squads left
19:00 – CHAMPIONS!

#algs #apexlegends #apex

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