Apex Legends Potential Gibby Nerf Causes Conflicts Between Players


Apex Legends Potential Gibby Nerf Causes Conflicts Between Players

In today’s video I go over the recent talk about a secret gibraltar buff in season 12 which is related to his domeshield. This is a topic that a lot of people have had conversations about recently and so I went ahead and put out my thoughts on this topic in today’s video. Along with that, I went ahead and pointed out some ups and downs for this change in case it does in fact get introduced in the future. Hope you enjoy 🙂

Season 12 Footage From Apryze
Apryze Twitch: www.twitch.tv/apryze
Apryze Youtube: www.youtube.com/c/apryze

Nokokopuffs Gibraltar Dome Video: www.youtube.com/watch?v=LhzSkVUz2-k

The Bruddahood Discord: discord.gg/njgX7Vym

Health Bar Overlay Made By Cobalt: Coba1t # 8904

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