Apex Legends New Ammo Type + Good News For Apex


Apex Legends New Ammo Type + Good News For Apex

In today’s video I go over why the new ammo type being added may be good news for apex and its future. I also cover some content which should be coming in the near future for apex, and hopefully respawn continues pushing out content that is refreshing for us. Hope you enjoy 🙂

More Info On Explosive Ammo (Thordan Smash): www.youtube.com/watch?v=pm3i-i-Q2Ng

Julefox: twitter.com/Julefox_

Twitter: twitter.com/kralrindo
Youtube: www.youtube.com/c/KralRindo

Thumbnail Image: www.artstation.com/szusi1979

The Bruddahood Discord: discord.gg/Cp4ktRNp

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