Apex Legends Was Hacked & This Is What We Know + Stutter Fixes + Thrillseekers Event!


Apex Legends Servers Were Hacked And This Is What We Know + Stutter Fixes + Thrillseekers Event!

Hey guys so in today’s video I wanted to first explain the situation regarding Apex Legends being hacked that took place on July 4th, 2021. The hacker was able to change the names of the game modes in Apex Legends and also stopped anyone from playing for most of the day.

There was also a message posted in game regarding a website called SaveTitanfall, which is a fan created site meant to educate the public about the on going hacker situation that has been plaguing Titanfall 1 for the last couple of years.

Currently there are a few hackers in Titanfall 1 who have been preventing all players from logging into the game. Titanfall 1 is still being sold on Steam despite the fact that no one is able to login and play whatsoever.

According to the information we currently know, the creators of the Save Titanfall website as well as the discord servers who help run the site are not affiliated with the person(s) who took down Apex Legends yesterday. The hacker also had a message in game saying that they are not at all affiliated with the website either.

This website is mainly a resource for the public on the hacker situation happening in the Titanfall games, however the Apex hacker had linked to it in order to spread more awareness of what’s going on.

The situation has since been resolved by Respawn but I wanted to make this video to help explain what actually happened and whether this situation could happen again.

Towards the end of the video I have a couple of other pieces of news to go over including more updates from Developers as well as some datamined information from Garret Leaks on the next event called Thrillseekers and the new Arenas map that is going to be called Overflow.

Garret Leaks:


00:00 Intro
00:23 Respawn responds to the attack
01:14 Explaining Save Titanfall
02:23 Who is not responsible for these attacks
05:10 How did this even happen?
06:14 TF 1 still being sold on Steam
06:32 Steam reviews of Titanfall
07:22 Last update from Respawn on Titanfall hackers
08:13 Charge Rifle exploit fixed
08:48 Devs respond to stuttering issue
09:45 Thrillseekers Event Leaked
11:00 Next Arenas Map Leaked

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