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When my @Apple AirPods were stolen off a @Qatar Airways layover flight in #Doha I had the joy, nay the privilege of watching them travel the world for no less than five months …
This is the story of how I got my #Apple Airpods back

I’m not sure how this will be received, no doubt there’s an argument over whether this is the pettiest thing I’ve ever done, the most creative advertising content i’ve ever made, or it could be viewed as just downright ridiculous and nonsensical …

Whichever way it goes, i’m here for it!

Now I actually realised I’d left my cherished beauties on the plane the moment I walked off the aircraft, however I was told I couldn’t go back aboard to retrieve them.

I was however told “don’t worry” and they would be brought to me if I waited at the lost and found desk … so okay …

I saw no reason for them to lie. I placed the fate of my musical future in their professional hands.

Alas, four hours passed and they still hadn’t found them, my hope began to falter and I broke out in cold sweat at the thought of having to listen to Britney Spears on repeat at the gym from this moment forwards.

I was quickly put at ease by the ever professional and helpful customer service team as they said “don’t worry” “you’re in the same seat, on the same plane, for the flight back” … “they will still be there” …

Well Qatar Airways they bloody weren’t.

In a moment of weakness, it appeared a member of staff had pocketed them and hadn’t handed them in despite the tearful British gentleman being comforted by the lost & found team as they called down constantly to tell the crew to tell them I was waiting … cold and callous if you ask me.

From that moment on, my AirPods were on the holiday of a lifetime.

They flew from #Qatar to Katmandu, before heading to a small village in the Himalayan mountains overlooking #Nepal. They then took a short jaunt to Thailand before finally coming to rest back in Doha.

I just couldn’t stand it any longer!

What you witness here today, is what happens when a disruptive marketing weirdo, with nothing left to lose, decides enough … is enough.

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An ordinary guy trying to achieve extraordinary things! In 2016 I made myself a promise to chase my dreams and take every opportunity (I blame the film Yes Man). In 2020 I launched my own marketing agency focused on being unorthodox and disruptive!

This channel documents my journey during startup and beyond … when I make it to where I’m going, I hope it serves as a type of diary I can look back on and share with others in the near future. This is my life.

And in the midst of all this chaos, we actually did test the Apple “Find My Feature” and show just how powerful this technology really is!

Enjoy 👊🏻😈
